In 1941 Adolf Hitler, Fuher of the German Third Riech decides not to invade the Soviet
Union and instead to concentarate Germany’s efforts on England. Hitler once again drives
a massive air blitz over the Britsh Isles. On Jan. 11 1942 what is later known as the Battle
of the Channel, The ever growing German Navy and Air Force launches a campaign
against the Massive Britsh Navy. Using revolunaiary tatics the German Navy practily
demolishs the Royal Navy. On Jan 25 The first German Solder sets foots on English soil.
The Germans start a slow advance toword London and the rest of England. Hitler’s
Generels then make the mistake of landing troops in Scotland, where they being prone
because of the mountaious region later retreat. In early March after warnings from
Churchill British starts releasing mustard gas among the Germans. Who soon retalite with
Chlorine Gas. After Evelven months of Fighting England finally falls to the Third Reich.
His Majesty and the Prime Minister, Winstion Churchill, are taken prisoner by SS troops.
OSS agents eventully smuggle Churchill into the US, but His Majesty is shot trying to
escape. In about April 1943, Germany starts it’s invasion in the USSR. Because of
Stalins heasitation of counterattacking Riech troops succesfully drive their way to
Lenningrad in a matter of two weeks, mean while two seprate divisons of troops are
fighting in the Ukrane, and in the Causian Republics. In July German troops arive at
Moscow, while German troops and their Navy is seiging Lenningrad. Finnaly after three
weeks of fighting Moscow falls and the General Secutary and half of his staff mannage to
escape to the Ural Mountains, continuing the war. While troops are chasing the reatreting
Poliburo, Generels in the Ukrane are making a much slower push. It becomes obvious
that the Soviet Union will lose at the battle of Stalingrad which was not only a deveistating
deafeat for the Soviets but damages on moral also. In the winter of 1943 the Soviets
make a few small victorys against the Germans in the cold winter. Finlly in the next May
of 1944 the Germans start up their campaign again and push the Soviets back to the Ural
mountains where Stalin then calls troops protecting Siberia and Vladostik to help protect
the temporary capital. As soon as they leave Japaneses forces sieze Vladostik and most of
Soberia diminishing what little recources the Soviet Union had left fianlly in Augest of
1944 Riech Forces capture and kill the majority of the politburo and other high ranking
officals. Italy is immeditly caught by suprise when German Forces invade their lands and
sucede in conquering most of Italy in less than two months. Hitler then declares that
Africa, and Europe are now under control of the Third Riech.
AMerican citizens then sat their waiting froman attack from the pacific by the Japanesse or
an attack on the atlanitic by the Germans. Supringly the Germans decided to go under and
the fleet landed in Mexico which was taken over in a matter of weeks. They then
proceded to blockaide the coastline with the U-boats and prevent any trade going though
the south, while blitz radiing the US. The Hitler made his mistake in Septemtber of 1945
he moved part of his forces to take Canada so the US would be bloxed in. Instantly the
American Millitary detected movement and moved the Navy in and traped the German
fleet at what would become the moost famous and Bloddiest battle of the war, The Battle
of Havana. The Nazi fleet was then forced to retreat back to Mexico. Finally in
November with dual coperation from the Japanese a two pronged attack was made into
the US, one which was through San Diago and the Second through New Mexico. Making
a quick advance the two forces in a few weeks met up and controlled most of the South
West. Hitler then Proceded to direct his next targets up north to San Fransico. There
when the Japanese & German troops arrived they found that the city was nearly deserted
and silient. At December 6, 1945 on 1240 the silence was broken as two planes flew
overhead and dropped a single bomb. As one German Captain who saw the aftermath
reported “It was like seeing two suns rising in the sky . . . “ THe United States had
discovered Nuclear power. THe US sent a signal too the Japanese and Germans giving
them three days to start evacuating the US. Three days with no response. Five days past
with still no report. Finally one week later a second bomb was set off at the Germans -
Jap. American Headquarters in San Diago. It killed instantly 121,445 troops and Sailors
20,000 were officers while nearly demoslishing half of the Japanese fleet. The American
troops imedityl pushed the Japanese back into Asia and the Germans back into Mexico
and later down into South Ameica. Five more Atomic bombs were used two by the
Americans: One in Berlin and Tokeo; One by the Japanese at the US Navel base in the
Sandwitch Islands and two by the Germans one in New York and Washington. The
Japansese empire was later pushed back to the Japanese Islands and today the world
consist of the two superpowers: the Greater German Riech, The United States of
America. And sevrel lesser powers: Free France; Canada; China Empire.
THe world is in a constant lockhold and coldwar much as the SOviet Union
and US were. Nuclear arms are kept building up as millitary. The War never really ended
but no real direct confilct berween the two superpowers exist.
Japanese are
treated as Second Class citiznes in the US, the US has become more strict and martial law
has been established for the past thirty-five years, . . . . And the Jewish population in the
enitre world only consist of a few hundred . . . All American . . .