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Live Bearers
Sword Tails

Breeding live-bearers quite easy. They mate naturly. For sex determination, refer to Fish Facts. I will tell you that female swordtails don't have a sword tail. I would help to put the parents in a seprate tank, but not really nessacery. PH need to be anywhere from 7.1 to 7.6. The pH dosen't really matter, but you'll have a better chance to successfully breed them. live bearers are best bred in tempetures between 78 to 82°f. After a few days, they will eventally mate. after two weeks of pregnacy, the female sould be removed to a sepreate tank. Have food prepared for the fry. The the female can have 15 to 75 offspring. The mother will gobble up the fry. Have gravel in the aquarium for the newly born fish find safty within the cracks. When the mother is removed, the fish will swim about freely. The fry's first meal should be fed their first meal 12 hours after birth. The fry will grow up over a period of 6 to 7 months and can take up to 2 years to develop all their color.

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