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Fish Mystery

August 1999, my family and I went on a camping trip to Garner State Park in Concan, Texas where the Rio Frio River is located. Rio Frio meaning Cold River in Spanish. On our fourth day there (our last day there) I went out with a small net I bought at a local suvinor shop to go catch some wild fish for my aquarium. That day I caught a baby perch, two silvery fish, and about 7 guppy size fish. All but one of the silvery fish survived the trip home. I put them in my ten gallon. At that time, my uncle sold my dad he's 55 gallon aquarium which included his fish (plecostomus, kissing gourami, and different tetras). My dad used the perch to test the new water. Every thing turned out all right. We stuck the silvery fish in the 55 gallon as well but the guppies were kept in the 10 gallon. Then the guppies started disappearing. My catfish had been eating them behind our backs. It was to late to save them. Then the kissing gourami attacked and injured the perch. It later died. so now all I have is the silvery fish. I looks pretty neat actually. But I can't figure out exactly what the fish is called. I believe is some sort of egg layer, but I'm not a 100% sure. It's healthy and doesn’t seem to be carrying any disease. It fits in so perfectly with all the other community fish that it should be sold on the market. It lives in water tempetures from 78 to 82°f. It lives well off of dried flake food. Can you help me to identify this fish? If so e-mail me. I'll have a photo of it soon, but until

Physical disription:
- 2 to 3 inches long - slim -
- A black spot just before the tail -
- horizontal, shiney silver sripe from spot to head on both sides -
- slight neon color just above the silver stripe -
- rest of it's body is a grayish color -

The photo above is a scenic picture I took when I was at Gardener State Park in Concan, Texas. This photo shows the exact location where Frio, the silvery fish, was caught.

Comment:The mystery fish could be a carp.If it has a sucker mouth it could be a hog sucker.I'm not 100 percent sure.I hope you figure out the identity.


On a resent visit to the Houston Zoo, I made a discovery that could very well identify this "Mystery Fish". While exploring the many aquariums of this zoo, I came across a 50 or so gallon fish tank labeled 'Fish Found in Central Texas'. I looked at it and immediately extinguished a school of 2 to 3 inch fishes with dots just before the tail and a silver strip with neon colors above it and gray all over. Yup! It was my mystery fish. Although I was unsuccessful in finding out the exact name of the fish, now I know it has a name.

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