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FULL NAME: Jurren Molodan Piers
RACE: Human
AGE: 36
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
SKIN: Light
MILITARY RANK: Captain, Imperial Legion, Retired
FAMILY: Wife, (Deceased); Daughter, (Deceased)



Jurren Piers was born on an isolated Outlands planet, a world with a low technology level on the fringes of the Dragon Empire. He grew up in a small village, and married young. When Jurren was 21, however, the Empire annexed his homeworld and drafted him, and many more of the planet's young men and women, into the Imperial Legion.

Jurren did well in the Legion, and quickly rose in rank, until he was allowed to go through officer training. He became a Captain, and was given command of his own company; with one successful mission after another, he quickly became popular with high command and was soon given much control over who was under his command. His company became known as the "Conscript Company," because of his tendancy to assign conscripts from Outland worlds such as himself. At this time, he moved his wife and young daughter from his homeworld to Galador, in order to keep them closer to him.

The "Conscript Company" became quite successful, and boasted the highest morale rate in the Legion. Jurren earned several medals, and as retirement neared, he looked forward to spending more time with his wife and daughter. Then, disaster struck. Jurren's family were killed in the xenomorph infestation of the Throneworlds during the Ithillid War. He was crushed, and for a time his only solace came in devoting himself to his work. Five long years passed, and Jurren hid his beravement by bolstering his command and building his company into the finest in the Legion.

Finally, the possibility of early retirment appeared, and Jurren decided to take it. He kept close tabs with many of his former soldiers, and one of his "boys," Harry Flynn, who was now selling starships, offered to sell him an old bulk freighter. Jurren put together a crew, mainly those who were under his command, and included his niece, Keira North, as the first mate. He offered his crew members shares in the ship's stock. When he met with his crew, however, he was surprised to discover that Harry had lost 10% of the ship's stock in a card game -- to a rock star named Johnny Marshall (better known by his stage name, Damien). Johnny insisted on joining the crew, and Jurren reluctantly agreed. With his crew assembled, Jurren Piers, Captain once more, began his new career as a cargo captain.

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