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Few bands have reached even half the range of evolution as Cactus Bastard. Through dealing with internal problems, such as monopolistic control and an addiction, Cactus Bastard has survived to create a name for themselves like no other. In the mid 80’s, Cactus Bastard was a Hair band that was a cut above the rest. During the course of making their second album, members of the band decided to explore their own musical tastes and bring them to the table to create a sound like none other. The ability to connect the seemingly incompatible musical tastes resulted in a truely unique, unnatural, and probably illegal approach to music.
1)Chris’ interest in the please-your-genius-chemistry-teacher complexity and get-even-with-the-neighbor’s-cat power of underground extreme metal (eg. death metal, cyber metal) that no one had heard of or wanted to hear of and 2)Dave’s embrace of elevator-music-esque soft rock and 3)Scythe’s love of Guns n’ Roses, the band’s original Hair band sound, and 80-(early)90’s hard rock and heavy metal , 4)along with the occassional addition of atmospheric, pop, folk, and electronic music, threw up a style that some called “confused and messed-up,” but others called it simply “Cactus Bastard.” Cactus Bastard always has the ability to make albums with a variation between songs, and sometimes within a song, that makes both newcomers and fans listen and go “huh...” To try to define or categorize the style of Cactus Bastard would be heretical and blasphemous to the laws of reality. They are what they are, Cactus Bastard. When it comes to Cactus Bastard's music, people either love it or hate it, or they fall somewhere inbetween.


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