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Season One Episode 3

Heroes Present: Tarmon Colavere, Gaelin Lyonthorn, Jaques Provolone, Hazma, Tear Nguyen

Gaelin woke early and, after attending his training session in the morning, set out to visit the houses he hadn't covered the night before in his search for the mysterious thief who had broken into the Eagle's Roost the previous night. After being pointed in the right direction by Malachai, the village's resident old wise man, Gaelin found witnesses who had seen the man walk to the southern edge of town on Harvest Road, then turn west onto a farm trail outside the village. Meanwhile, Hazma continued to sleep after spending most of the night researching the Rhodesian legal system, hoping to find an edge for Bryce's case against Baron Volker.

Gaelin decided to follow the stranger's trail across the farm road, and enlisted the aid of Tarmon's tracking skills. The two followed the trail west into the woods and back around to the road which led to the village from the west, the direction the stranger had originally come from. As far as they were concerned, their suspicions were confirmed. Gaelin had a meeting with the armsmaster that afternoon, and returned to the castle while Tarmon stayed in the forest and continued tracking the stranger.

Meanwhile, Hazma had woken up and he, Jaques and Tear were planning to see the King about Bryce's situation. With help from Queen Lucilla, Jaques was able to gain an audience with King Malleck, and the three laid out to him their problem. The King agreed that Bryce was in a dangerous position, but was appeased by the fact that Jaques believed Bryce's story. He promised to do whatever he could, within reason, to help clear Bryce's name.

When Gaelin arrived for his meeting with the armsmaster, he found that he had been assigned a squire, a young boy named Tully who would help him in his final tests to become a Knight and would later serve him as an assistant and vassal during his Knighthood. As Gaelin returned to Tear's room at the Eagle's Roost, the agreed-upon meeting place, he saw the others returning from their meeting with the King. Just then, Some rushed into the room and told them that he had just seen a strange little man walking past his house -- a man who might be the strange being who lived beneath the castle.

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