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The Battle at Procopia

While it was being fitted with its ion cannon, the Dark Horizon was docked with a space station orbiting the planet of Procopia, the sector's busy capital. People were busy going on and off the ship making the expensive modifications. During this time, a team of the Dark Empire's operatives made it aboard the ship and conducted an operation on Commander Vector, whereby a chip was implanted into his head to control him. The PCs discovered the plot just in time to save Vector. Just then, however, as the Dark Imperials were making their escape, a Strike Cruiser came out of hyperspace to rescue their team and destroy the Dark Horizon.

Suddenly outmatched, the Dark Horizon was in a tight situation, for it was still attached to the space station and did not have time maneuver out of range of the approaching enemy ship. A plan was quickly devised. Fighters were deployed under the leadership of Commander Knight to carry out a daring strike mission. A generator located on the exterior of the Strike Cruiser powered all of its weapons. If it was knocked out, the ship would be rendered harmless, but the shields had to be down first. Using its new ion cannon, and with help from a private tramp freighter pilot's mag pulses, the Dark Horizon managed to bring down its shields.

Yet the rebels were under heavy fire from the Strike Cruiser, and the Dark Horizon was near destruction. Explosions and hull breaches occurred all over the ship. Casualty rates were rising, and in moments, the entire ship would break apart. Commander Remmington then ordered his helmsman to maneuver the ship behind the civilian space station and use it as cover. Unfortunately, the space station was under heavy bombardment by TIE bombers, and it too would soon be destroyed. They had only a few rounds left, when Commander Knight's strike team succeeded. The Cruiser's weapons failed and it retreated into hyperspace, leaving the Dark Horizon crippled, but victorious.

Written by Jay

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