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The Battle at Reena

After undergoing repairs at the primary New Republic base in the Tapani Sector, located on the planet Reena, the Dark Horizon was rejoined there by Admiral Stryker's fleet. For a while, all seemed safe. The PC's went on a mission or two without the ship, and then when it was repaired, they were ready to depart. At this time, however, the unthinkable occurred. The rebels were ambushed by a new addition to the Dark Empire's arsenal--Grand Admiral Forsythe and the Super Star Destroyer, Subjugator. The New Republic fleet scrambled to evacuate the base and cover the escape of the freighters. The Dark Horizon was picked to help defend the escaping freighters with its ion cannon while the main part of Stryker's fleet escaped into hyperspace. Again suffering heavy damage and near destruction, the Dark Horizon managed to beat a path into hyperspace and escape.

Written by Jay

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