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The Doom of Procopia

Very late in the campaign, the Dark Empire made a move against the New Republic to discourage planets in the sector from joining. The Dark Horizon, after finishing an assignment in the Correllian system was given a tip to return once again to Procopia for unknown reasons. The PCs arrived to discover an Imperial Star Destroyer in orbit around the planet. Shortly after their arrival, the Star Destroyer launched a probe towards a city down on the planet. In curiosity, the crew of the Dark Horizon looked on. The probe turned out to be a nuclear warhead, and completely destroyed the city with a population of about 6.7 million people. Horrified, the crew discovered another being launched at the planet's capital city.

The Dark Horizon swung into action. Launching starfighters to destroy the missle, Commander Merrick and Commander Knight sped towards the warhead, with TIE Advanceds hot on their trail. The Dark Horizon was forced to single-handedly engage a star destroyer and all of its support craft. Just when all seemed hopeless, the New Republic #1 fleet dropped out of hyperspace. Admiral Ackbar assumed command of the situation, and the Dark Horizon was joined in combat with its sister ship, the Event Horizon, under the command of Commander Arcanna Hardbore. Merrick succeeded in blowing up the warhead and the New Republic fleet nearly destroyed the enemy star destroyer before it escaped. They did, however, manage to capture a strike cruiser.

Written by Jay

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