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The Final Battle at Styra 9

With planets jumping ship from the New Republic's banner, the Dark Empire, even with the intervention of the New Republic's greatest fleet, seemed on the verge of winning. If that happened, the New Republic could have been brought to its knees at the mercy of this new threat. But new information provided by Lieutenant Heather Spytek, a recent defect from the Empire, divulged the location of the Subjegator, which was currently being fitted with a capital scale disruptor, which in one shot could destroy an entire ship. The Dark Horizon and Event Horizon were given one of the most important tasks of the entire fleet--puncturing a hole in the shields protecting the Subjegator and the space station to which it was currently docked.

Two teams were to be sent aboard the Subjegator--one in charge of destroying the disruptor unit, and one in charge of rescuing the recently-captured Admiral Stryker. The PCs chose to accept the latter. Commander Remmington, before the battle, delivered a speech to the crew and explained how Commander Bledsoe for the duration of the mission would be in charge of the ship. It was their most dangerous undertaking yet. The Dark Horizon was to pass in front of the fire arc of the Subjegator and use its ion cannon to knock a hole in the shields. It succeeded and the shields were weakened, allowing the strike teams aboard. Facing destruction for the third time, the Dark Horizon received a blow to the port side of the vessel that caused a hull breach spanning several decks that resulted in the death of nearly half of the crew.

But she lived. Shortly afterwards, the strike teams succeeded and the Subjegator was destroyed. The New Republic had been saved and the Dark Horizon, its surviving crew, and the PCs were heroes.

Written by Jay

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