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NAME: Torden Kerrick
CLASS: Wizard/Fighter
GENDER: M SPECIES: Soulmech (Human)
AGE: 42 HEIGHT: 6' WEIGHT: 185
HAIR: Black EYES: Black ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
DESCRIPTION: Strangely pale
PERSONALITY: Evil and obsessive
OBJECTIVES: To find the Sphere of Destiny and regain his human body
PERSONAL DATA: A former high-powered commander in the Imperial forces, he was killed several years ago and his soul was transferred to a soulmech body. Ever since, he has become more and more obsessed with finding a way to bring back his living, human body, and has turned to every avenue he can find to do so. The latest is an ancient relic, spoken of in a few legends, a thing called the Sphere of Destiny, which is supposedly able to grant its users nearly any desire. Kerrick's obsession with finding the Sphere led the Emperor himself to order the commander to stop his search, but Kerrick would not relent, taking the forces under his command and going renegade. He now controls a tenth of the entire Imperial armada, and his forces are completely loyal to him alone. They scour the galaxy, searching for this fabled relic, and killing anyone who gets in their way.

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