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The Adventures of Chrysalis

Episode 2.1
"Ship of Fools (Part One)"

The crew of Chrysalis had set down on a small urban planet for repairs and supplies. Marcus had locked himself in the cargo bay, insisting that he was busy "making a few improvements," and Eldon was sitting boredly in the cockpit, but the others had decided to go visit a pub while they were waiting. It was there that they encountered several new people -- a drunken dwarf named Demg, a half-elven cleric named Quarion, a mysterious elven sorcerer named Kenzi, and a drow named Gascogne. The group decided that the more people they had, the better, and recruited these four for their mission.

While out in town, the crew (along with their new members) went shopping, each coming back with some interesting articles to add to their collection. Gasco, a druidic scientist, managed to get her hands on a sizeable amount of illegal Francium on the black market, for use in some of her more fiendish concoctions. The Francium caused much consternation among the other members of the crew, but Gasco managed to keep it safe onboard the ship.

When they returned to the ship, the group found that Marcus had finished his work -- he had made a lifelike hologram of Chrysalis which could walk around, interact with things, and even leave the ship with the help of a remote projector. While the others got acquainted with the ship, Eldon prepared to leave for Kelextra's coordinates.

Marcus fired up the newly-repaired starcaster, and, after a frightening moment when they found themselves in the Plane of Water (frightening especially because of Gasco's Francium, which was highly reactive to water), they arrived at the given coordinates. Eldon found a working airlock which they could link to and enter the dreadnought, and the group moved out, after gearing up in Chrysalis' emergency Vac Suits.

The group made their way cautiously down the dreadnought's corridors, and soon encountered some patrolling skeletons. They made short work of them, though, and continued on their way, trying to find the bridge. The power on the dreadnought had long since burned out, but Marcus told the group that he might be able to restore the power if they went to Engineering. So, the group went back to the ship and moved to an airlock closer to the Engineering section. After several of the group left and another encounter with undead, the group prepared to get to work on the power...


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