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The Adventures of Chrysalis

Episode 2.5
"Let's Make a Snatch / Trouble With the Law"

Chrysalis made landing on the planet specified by the crew's client, with Midnight's Wyvern and the captured pirate shuttle in tow. Distracting the doc with her ability to create darkness, Gasco copied the formula onto her datapad, while changing it slightly on the doc's copy. While Eldon, Marcus, Gaspar and Heian made arrangements to sell the shuttle, Kenzi and Midnight followed the doc to the city's slums, where he planned to make arrangements to sell his formula.

At the meeting place, Kenzi and Midnight followed the doc as he was led into a well-furnished office by several well-dressed thugs. They met with a aging crimelord, who proceeded to deal with the doc for an enormous sum of credits. Just when it looked like the deal might work out quickly, the crimelord discovered that the datapad which contained the formula had been accessed recently. A fight broke out, while some of the thugs took the doc to a private room so that he could check the formula for changes. Meanwhile, Gasco had sneaked into the building by melding with the wall, and had been eavesdropping on the entire conversation. After a hallucenogenic incident nearly gave her away, she decided to lay low in one of the empty rooms on the top floor.

Meanwhile, Eldon, waiting for the buyers who were supposed to come to pick up the shuttle, opened the docking bay door to find himself staring at an ISPD agent and twelve local cops. When the ISPD agent tried to arrest Eldon, he drew his pistol and took a shot at the drow. Unfortunately, the cops reacted with force and knocked Eldon unconscious, but Gaspar managed to intimidate the cops into leaving them.

At the same time, Kenzi and Midnight were faring much worse. Midnight was knocked unconscious by the crimelord's thugs, and was badly injured, while Kenzi managed to take all of them out eventually. Gasco faked unconsciousness when a guard came in to examine her. When the crimelord walked in with another guard and the doc, Gasco decided to act, using one of the beads from her Necklace of Ice Storm to take out the crimelord and the guards. Meanwhile, Ashimar had followed the three of them to the building, and entered looking for them. Encountering several guards, he destroyed them all with a fireball and went upstairs to meet the others.

At the docking bay, Eldon and the others returned to the ship and decided to blast their way out. Using Gaspar's newly-acquired missiles, they destroyed the door to the docking bay and flew out. Outside, they were attacked by several hovertanks -- the ISPD meant business! Gaspar manned the gun pod, however, and managed to destroy one of the hovertanks while Eldon eluded the others.


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