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The Adventures of Chrysalis

Episode 7
"Is There a Doctor in the House? (Part Two)"

The group arrived at the lab of Dr. Ostler Tusmit, an old friend of Marcus. Like the rest of the city, it was a huge, rusting steel building, and it looked very run down. The group entered hesitantly, and Archanis and Eldon both seemed very suspicious of this character. Marcus introduced them to the doctor, who shortly went to work in the lab, hooking up Kelextra to a neuro-physiological machine which scanned her brainwave patterns and would extract the information from her subconscious.

Meanwhile, Archanis was examining the other doors in the lab while the others were watching the operation nervously. Archanis discovered two other doors, both of them locked, and sat down with relief. After a short amount of time, Dr. Tusmit finished, and Ashimar wrote down the coordinates which printed out on a readout screen before Dr. Tusmit erased them.

As soon as he had finished, there was a loud booming sound and the Imperial Police announced that they had the builing surrounded. The police began cutting through the front door, and Dr. Tusmit quickly led them through a side door. The group discovered that the police were in front of the side exit as well, and they would have to fight their way out.

While the police had cut through the front door and were working on the door to the side exit, the group came up with a desperate plan: shoot out the walls of the corridor and race through the Doctor's living quarters to another exit. They tried this just as the police were about to enter the corridor, firing off a few shots on their way through.

Safe for now, they blew their way out of the building's outer wall and made a run for their vehicles. Ashimar made it to his motorcycle and headed out, with the wolverine in the sidecar, but the others were forced to fight off several Imperial soldiers who had heard their escape. After killing several of the soldiers, they made it to the car, though Eldon was shot and injured in the process.

The police headed for their cars, and began a desperate chase through the streets of the city. One by one, the group managed to destroy the police cars trailing them, as Eldon flew madly around corners. The last car was finished off as Eldon engaged in a deadly game of chicken. With the soldiers gone, the group headed back to Chrysalis.

The group returned to the docking bay to find Chrysalis impounded by the police and the control tower refusing to let them leave. As two police hovertanks appeared outside the docking bay, Eldon made a desperate move and starcasted inside the docking bay. The ship appeared, safe and sound, in deep space, but there had been a problem: the starcast had not gone completely right, and the nav sensors were going haywire. Marcus told the group that it would take him a few hours to fix them and find out where they were... and then they would be able to head to Kelextra's coordinates.


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