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Golemo Sector is a lonely sector near the Outer Rim, which houses a number of systems, most of which are barren, lawless worlds, far away from Imperial rule in the center of the sector. Golemo Sector is also the home of a Rebel cell, a few scattered Rebel bases and outposts fighting for the freedom of the sector. Most of the worlds in the sector are far-flung, independent planets, on which the Empire has little or no influence and weak planetary governments serve only as a mask to hide the anarchy and lawlessness of the worlds they rule.

One of the few Rebel operations housed in Golemo Sector are the newly-founded Special Ops Team 6, operating out of the small Rebel base on the barren rural planet of Daymanar. But although they are new, these intrepid individuals may hold the key to freeing the sector from tyrranical Imperial rule...

Special Ops Team 6

Allies of SOT5

Enemies of SOT5

The Adventures of Special Ops Team 6

Planets of the Golemo Sector

Starships in the Sector

People Behind the Characters: Golemo Sector

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