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Mission Summary

The Battle of Hoth

A cold, cruel wind blew over the ice planet of Hoth. Though they did not know it, the group that was until recently known as Special Ops Team 1, now boasting the self-titled name of Bad Company, was about to face the greatest battle they had ever participated in.

Rueger, the group's hotshot starfighter pilot, and Dreygos, the moody, deranged witch-hunter from Derinmore, had set out in a two-seater Y-Wing for a long and potentially boring picket duty, while, on the ground, Merrick, the charismatic gambler and Bail Kane, the Jedi-in-training who doubled as the ship's pilot, were carefully watching over Cyruss Remmington, the former bounty hunter who had been injured while fighting the Wampas.

In the Y-Wing, Rueger and Dreygos had found no sign of trouble when suddenly a fleet of Star Destroyers leaped out of hyperspace, including the enormous Super-class Star Destroyer, the Executor, Darth Vader's personal ship. Finding themselves suddenly in pursuit by an armada of TIE fighters, Rueger and Dreygos bravely faced the odds and joined the quickly launched group of starfighters defending the base.

Employing scores of complex maneuvers, Rueger and Dreygos managed to evade and fight off most of the TIEs before being recalled to base. There, they met Merrick, Kane, the newly revived Cyruss, and two newcomers, Riggins, an old member of the team, and Chris Colt, who had been recently reassigned to join Bad Company.

Dreygos and Merrick set out in Merrick's car, Stealth I, while Riggins and Chris followed them on foot. Kane and Rueger found their way to the Rogue Squadron briefing and set out with the famous squadron, flying Snowspeeders. Rueger had the grand distinction to be the wingman of famous pilot Dash Rendar, while Kane was wing leader to a young pilot. Rueger and Kane attacked several walkers, doing heavy damage to each, but moving on to another before finishing them off. Meanwhile, Merrick and Dreygos were trying to use Stealth I to drop several thermals on top of an AT-AT.

Riggins and Chris, working with Merrick and Dreygos, had found a way to stuff a walker with a thermal, but their plan, when tried, backfired. In the process, Chris was shot by a walker and incapacitated. Merrick and Dreygos, flying around in Stealth I, thought up and then discarded an idea to throw a tank of fuel with a lit fuse in it onto the windscreen of a walker. Rueger, flying with Dash Rendar, took down several walkers, and even went after the lead one which attacked the power generators, but was unable to bring it down.

When the retreat was called, all of the ground fighters got onto the Stealth I and headed back, with Kane and his wingman defending them from the sky, Rueger having already gone back. They came upon a group of men entrenched in a small gully, facing down three scout walkers, and pulled them as well onto Merrick's car, while Kane and his wingman destroyed the AT-STs.

Back in the hangar, Rueger and Dreygos left in the Y-Wing, but the others had to leave in the pieced-together ship which they had been supplied with. Going back to another hangar to retrieve their ship, they encountered Vader's personal Stormtrooper squad, and fighting ensued. Chris set off several explosives, getting incapacitated again in the process, and Cyruss, who was carrying Chris to Merrick's car, was also incapacitated. Eventually, all of them managed to pull themselves into the car, though Chris died when Vader himself slashed him (and the car) with his lightsaber.

The group finally found their ship and escaped from the planet long after all of the other transports had left. Thinking they were in the clear, the group was surprised to discover that their troubles were far from over. Though the Rebel transports had already escaped, the Star Destroyers had not yet followed them, and one spent all of its effort to track down the group and a lone X-Wing pilot who had stayed behind as well, Jonathan Steele. Dodging through the asteroids, the ship and Steele's starfighter managed to evade the many TIE interceptors who had followed them, and finally achieved hyperspace.

Little did they know that the trouble was just beginning...

By Anthony Frevele

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