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Mission Summary

ShadowRun at Zach's House

It was the first few days of summer break so naturally everyone was excited. Wednesday mostly everybody was over at Jay's. On Thursday evening people started showing up at Zach's house for his "going away party". Boxes filled with odds and ins greeted Anthony, Will, me, Bryan, Nathan, Michael, and Joel as they arrived. There was talk of Jay showing up so everyone just sat around and talked for about a hour or two. Zach and Michael played Duke Nukem 3D. Some time after eight Nathan drove Joel, and me to our houses along with Bryan so Joel could pick up some guns and a light for chaos and also so Matt could get some dice at his house for role playing. After Nathan and the others got back with the gear the whole group unanimously decided to play chaos since it was already dark. Everyone split up into two teams of four, Joel, Anthony, me, and Bryan were on the first team while Zach, Michael, Nathan, and Will were all on the second team. The group had selected an area surrounded by a forest on one side and mounds of dirt and a few trees on the other less than a block away from Zach's house as a staging area for the game. Once both teams were at the designated area fighting began, or rather the hiding and seeking began.

There really wasn't a lot of hand to hand combat. Most of the time was spent carefully wandering around the mounds and forest trying not to get caught. There was one instance where Joel shot Will. Then there was the time when most of team two had surrounded Joel and shot him then Anthony came barging out of his cover to help cover Joel's back and Nathan shot him. Meanwhile I had been tracking two figures who were running from tree to tree at the edge of the dirt area. I saw one crouch down and I froze thinking that they had spotted me. When the figure stood there for six minutes they finally ran off.

Finally after a hour of chaos the group decided to call it quits. Back at Zach's house everyone laughed and recounted their chaos experiences. Once everyone was assembled around the makeshift table in their various chairs the mission began. We started off at a mall. Our objective was to find a vampire that had been genetically enhanced. Becky and Beldin (played by me) chose to search the first floor while Marlin (Joel's character), Ronan (Anthony's character), and Blade Runner (played by Zach) took the second and Nathan, Valor, and Black Jack searched the third floor. Though the crowd pressing together made it hard to search the mall, Becky, standing on a bench, finally spotted the vampire. The vampire was to far away so we needed a diversion to clear out all the people.

Nathan was flashing around his badge to clear out all the people and Beldin ran to a fire alarm and set it off. The alarm resulted in mass hysteria as shoppers clogged the giant mall hallway trying desperately to flee the false fire. Needless to say we lost the vampire, but he soon made his presence known when an explosion jolted one of the shops on the first floor and smoke bellowed out of its door. Black Jack was the first on the scene with Beldin and Becky hot on his heels.

The inside was full of smoke making it nearly impossible to see. However, After examining the wall of the store Black Jack discovered a door and kicked it open. He then proceeded through the door and seconds later he was thrown back into the store by a bullet. Valor then took charge of the situation by stepping through the door and wasting this security guard with at least 15 rounds of ammunition. If the vampire had been there he was long gone, there was no sign of him whatsoever. The doorway that Valor and Black Jack had gone through led to a maintenance hallway which ran two ways, left and right. Ronan decided to stay and guard the Scientist, who had run the experiments on the vampire, while Marlin and Blade Runner went down the left hallway and Valor and Black Jack went down the other. Beldin booked it to the nearest security station. At this point in the mission Bryan, Anthony, and Nathan had abandoned their characters to go play on Will's Super NES.

Marlin and Blade Runner went down into a lower level maintenance area that had no lights on. Looking around the room they noticed that a big hole had been knocked in the side of one of the walls and several electrical wires were hanging out. Contacting the others for backup Marlin and Joel put on their infrared goggles but didn't pick up any heat signatures. When the others arrived they moved deeper into the maintenance area.

At the security station Beldin used his mask spell to disguise an object as a police badge then, using his charisma of 7, he ordered the security guard to the other end of the mall. Once Beldin had control of the security station he checked the camera monitors. On one of the monitors there showed two security guards walking down a dark corridor. Suddenly, there was a shower of blood and a dark figure flashed across the screen.

Instantly Beldin was contacting the others on his cell-phone. He told them the general area in which the vampire was roaming. The others were on the wrong side of the mall. Acting quickly they ran through a rear access door out into the parking lot. Luckily they spotted a van without any problems. In no time the van was jump started and speeding towards the other end of the mall. One of the trigger happy fools unloaded his weapon on a firefighter who was exiting the mall.

When the group arrived at the other end of the mall they used the quickest means of getting inside. Parts of benches and glass flew through the air as the van crashed through the main entrance to the mall. They raced toward the vampire, which now was no longer in their area, at speeds never before reached in that mall since. The joy ride ended when one of the vans tires went flat and the van crashed into a fountain.

Once the group reassembled they were informed of a new problem. The vampire had sabotaged the electricity in the mall. For one second the cameras went off, but then came back on when the generators kicked on. That didn't last long as the vampire sabotaged the generators also. Nathan, Black Jack, Blade Runner, and Marlin finally joined Beldin and the scientist at the security station. There were also 10 security guards who had been called into the security station just before the electricity went out. One of them actually carried a kick butt gun.

They decided that they had to go and get the electricity back on line before they did anything else. Being careful to cover each side of the party the group made its way to the room that housed the main electrical system. Inside they spotted a closet door that was slightly ajar as if someone was watching through the crack. Blade Runner opened fire on the closet and two technicians bodies fell out. Once the room was secured from possible ambushes the scientist studied the damage and determined that it wasn't so extensive that he couldn't fix it. After about 30 minutes the scientist had the problem solved and the electricity back in operation Beldin had an idea to booby trap the electrical room with the fuel from the generators, which was just a room away. The scientist said that it was possible, but it would take him a while to put it into action.

While waiting on the scientist the group had a close encounter with the vampire which proved fatal. He killed two security guards reducing the group down from 15 to 13. Fortunately the vampire did not attack any of the role players characters. After the trap was in place the group then headed for the nearest directory. The scientist had said that the vampire had a psychological weakness to religious symbols. Before going to a book store, which was the closest they could come to a religious store, they couldn't help but visit the sporting goods store.

They arrived at the store without a hitch and began switching the security guards puny guns with more powerful hunting rifles. Black Jack found himself a huge crossbow and fixed a bayonet on the end of it. For religious symbols the group tied together paddles in the shapes of crosses. and used whatever means possible to fasten them to their bodies.

The vampire had other ideas though. As the group was about to leave the security gate to the store went crashing down, trapping the group in the store. At this point the remaining role players called Will back to the table and told him to use his big gun to destroy the door. After a few seconds of blasting the door with heavy gun fire the door was thoroughly destroyed. Knowing that the vampire had to be at the security station, because that's the only place that controls the security doors, the group headed to the nearest security station.

Upon arriving at the security station the group left the scientist and two other security guards there after closing all of the security doors and went off to find the vampire and take care of him once and for all. At about the time that the group got 10 yards from the station a loud crash echoed through the mall. The scientist contacted them and told the group that a security door to a department store had been breached on the second floor. The group them ran up there as fast as they could.

The wreckage of the security door greeted the group as they arrived at the store. Joel and Blade Runner, noticing that the lights were cut off to the store, put on their infrared goggles and scanned the store. They determined that the vampire must have already left because once again they failed to pick up any heat signatures. Right about the time the group was going to give up they heard a noise coming from the maintenance hallway behind the store. The scientist confirmed that a elevator had been activated just behind the store in the maintenance area.

The group quickly ran to the elevator shaft and opened the doors. Beldin began to furiously hack away at the elevator cables with his sword. Valor catching Beldin's idea pulled out one of his big guns and finished off the cable sending the elevator car crashing to the bottom of the shaft. As Valor finished filling the wreckage full of lead others of the group noticed that the six security guards that were sent to search the third floor were climbing down the shaft on a ladder.

After Black Jack climbed down into the rubble with his crossbow, which now had a gun fastened to the bottom of it, the others all followed him. As the team was assembled at the bottom they began to cautiously make their way down the dark hallway. They finally entered a warehouse and came across the best luck of the mission. The warehouse only had one entrance and they were standing in it.

Seizing the opportunity Marlin and Blade Runner both put on their infrared goggles. The group, with the exception of the six security guards and Beldin who all stood guard at the entrance of the warehouse to prevent the vampires possible escape, began to search around the boxes and crates of the warehouse. Suddenly Black Jack fired his crossbow at one of the shadows and everyone turned to see black cloth pinned to a crate by an arrow.

Black Jack fired once more this time striking his target. The black haired figure struggled to loose himself from an arrow which protruded his left calf pinning him tightly to the wall. All at once Valor engaged the vampire trying to use his strength to hold him down. Black Jack quickly pulled the needle, which the scientist had given him, and charged at the two struggling figures. He blindly thrust the needle at the vampire but accidentally punctured Valor with it. Barely avoiding injecting Valor with the serum, Black Jack once again attempted to stab the vampire with the needle. The second time Black Jack was successful.

The group led the handcuffed vampire to the scientist waiting at the security station. Relieved that they had finally caught the vampire he paid them. Each member received 5,000 credits and added 10 to their karma pools Thus ended the chase for the vampire.

The mission itself had lasted well into the early hours of the morning. Naturally some of us were a little cranky which didn't help matters any when Zach discovered that Duke Nukem no longer worked. His anger was obviously justified. Since most of us owned computers that were worth turning on we sympathized with his loss.

So basically the remainder of the night was spent listening to Zach cut down Bryan's video game and Bryan saying some come back while staring at the TV screen. Even though there was some hard feelings exchanged during that night it was still far from dampening the fun that everyone experienced playing chaos and role playing. So if the purpose of Zach's party was to have a good time, then it could only have been a success.

By: Matt McDowell

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