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Book Review

Black Fleet Crisis

By: Matt Mcdowell

Author: Michael P. Kube-McDowell

Besides having a cool last name this author has proven to be capable of writing a novel without compromising any of the qualities that made the originals so great (Kube is only a nick name). I encourage everyone to immerse themselves in the rich battles and the realistic characters that Michael P. ]-McDowell has breathed life into. Don't take my word for it though, check it out for yourself. Instead of outlining the story myself I've typed up the summaries from the back of the books. I didn't want to accidentally give away any of the story line, which would take all the joy out of reading the books. As an extra bonus I've included my 10 most favorite quotes from Tyrants Test.

Before the Storm

It is a time of tranquillity for the New Republic. The remnants of the Empire now lie in complete disarray. and the reemergence of the Jedi Knights has brought power and prestige to the fledgling government on Coruscant. Yesterday's Rebels have become today's administrators and diplomats, and the factions that fought against Imperial tyranny seem united in savoring the fruits of peace.

But the peace is short-lived. A restless Luke must journey to his mother's home world in a desperate and dangerous quest to find her people. An adventurous Lando must seize a mysterious spacecraft that has weapons of enormous destructive power and an unknown mission. And Leia, a living symbol of the New Republic's triumph, must face down the ruthless leader of the Duskhan League, an arrogant Yevetha who seems bent on a genocidal war that could shatter the fragile unity of the New Republic...and threaten its very survival.

Tyrants Test

Faced with an alarming image of Han as a battered hostage of the Yevetha, Chewbacca takes on an urgent mission. Meanwhile Leia calls upon the Senate to take a stand and eliminate the Yevetha threat- even at the cost of Han's life. As a former imperial governor takes his battle to the runaway Qella spaceship. Luke's continuing search for his mother brings him dangerously close to Nil Spaar's deadly forces. And as the Yevetha close in on the forces of the New Republic, Luke takes a desperate gamble with an invisible weapon....

Top 10 Quotes From Tyrants Test

Number 1..
"Give the [bass terds] hell kid. They've earned it"
-General Han Solo

Number 2..
"Haggling with a Wookiee," "That shows courage, e'Naso - even Plothis wouldn't have dared it. Have you decided who will inherit the shop."
-Kiffu male

Number 3..
"No general. You cannot refute that image with words." He looked at Leia. "It does not matter what species they are; people trust what they see. Words alone will not make them believe they were fooled. Out there, they are turning to each other and saying, 'Well, what do you think we ought to do about this?' Not 'Do you think it's true?' I don't know what they will decide they feel, I only know that it is true for them - the Yevetha have allied with the Empire."
-First Administrator Nanaod Engh

Number 4..
"Three!" "Well, that yanks the rancor's whiskers"
-Commodore Brand

Number 5..
"Only if I'm willing to forget the blood that's already been spilled," "You didn't see the intelligence reports I saw Lieutenant - colonies scoured off the face of planets, entire populations exterminated as though they were no more than kitchen pests"

"Do you know that they recorded it all, without even the decency to look away or feel shame? As though they were proud of it - of how efficiently they could murder millions." "No. You can't compromise with an evil as cold as theirs Lieutenant - not even to spare the lives of our mother's children."

"It'll be a tragedy for even one more good pilot to die fighting them. But it'd be something worse if we turned our backs and walked away - if no one stood up for the millions who are already dead. And I'll be damned if I'll be part of it." His eyes blazing into the viceroy's, "You can burn to blazes. I won't help you"
-General Han Solo

Number 6..
With an effort, Han found his voice. "You [bass terd]."

Number 7..
"You son of a [female dog] - you think you understand us." "What you did to Barth makes him important to us just like what you did to those colonists all over the Cluster made them important to us. We're not like you - we remember our dead. That's why our fleet isn't going away."
-General Han Solo

Number 8..
"The patient says that he finds scarring socially desirable. The patients guardian expresses his concern that if the injury is not effectively treated, K-1B will experience serious malfunctions and system disruptions."
-translator droid

Number 9..
"It's the one little piece that maybe I did find that brought me back." "A lesson about love and family from a woman I never met, and probably never will. Leia, it's crazy for me to be chasing a hope from Core to Rim when you and these kids are right here, real as can be. And if you'd still let me be part of loving them and teaching them, and sharing your delight at watching them grow - well, I'm the Jedi uncle you're looking for."
-Luke Skywalker

Number 10..
"Shut up" -General Lando Calrissian

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