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Warning: if you don't pay attention to the time you will not get the full effect of the flowing.

A day in the life of a Smuggler

Smuggler's log II: Corridors of Blood
mmmwahaha mmmwhaha mmmwhaha

7:00 Hit snooze on alarm for the tenth time
7:31 Get up go to work
7:35 go back home get dressed
7:40 back to work
8:00 arrive at work, or that big heap of junk as some call it
8:05 Start warming up the engines
9:50 wake up; engines still warming up pilot seat is cozy
10:35 Wake up to loud explosion
10:35 (Still) find out coffee machine has exploded
10:41 yell SCOTTY Can you fix this Machine
10:42 Scotty responds, " For the last time my name is Fred and I'm not fixing that contraption it blows up every day we fix it!
10:49 Realize that Scotty is insane and thinks his name is Fred
10:50 Lock door (prop chair to prevent door opening)
10:55 lift off and depart
11:50 After long nap crash no delete that, land on planet and pick up cargo large metal box that is making noise
1:05 Get all the datapads signed and take off
1:09 hear Scotty yelling in the back and a bunch of landings no crashings going on
1:10 the crashing sound is getting closer
1:11 The Crashing sound is here (but will never get through that chair)
1:12 it got through the chair
1:12 (Still) large hairy creature with Scotty's Fred hat
1:13 run like hell
1:13 nowhere to run
1:14 trapped throw a kitchen sink that had laying around
1:14 now running like hell but creature is running like hell and then some
1:25 still running like hell
1:30 lose monster
1:31 find Monster
1:31 run like hell
2:00 lost monster
2:15 find scotty "my name is Fred"
2:15 "Don't talk Scotty save your strength"
2:20 hide Scotty in medic bay
2:20 monster is medic bay
2:21 D'oh
2:22 run like hell as scotty said to do before monster got him again
2:22 hear yells from medic bay "Fred my name is Fred you retard save me."
2:22 realize that Scotty said save me not save yourself, my bad.
2:30 think of plan
3:00 Execute plan
3:01 plan falied and the monster dosen't like blasters
3:15 regroup even though I'm the only one left except for Bob, Bob will help me
3:20 find Bob, being eaten by monster
4:00 think of new plan
5:50 get plan
5:49 plan failed now wounded
6:00 get the coffee machine fixed
6:10 throw it a monster
6:10 as planned coffee machine blows up
6:10 not as planned made the monster very mad
7:00 beat monster to death with my bare hands and deliver it. The end
7:01 I shure am glad that monster tripped over Scotty's dead body and knocked it self out wait a second is this thing still recor....

By Bryan Mieir

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