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Where Are They Now?

The Rebel organization known as Special Ops Team 1 has been on many missions, and aided the Rebellion many times in the past few years. After the Battle of Endor, however, the team split and went their seperate ways. This is an examination into where each of them went, and what each of them is doing now.

Bail Kane

For several years, he was the team's gunner, until he took over as pilot from Mack Williams. Kane later found out that he was sensitive to the Force, and began training to be a Jedi under Shakhan Krilloustan. After Shakhan's death, he left the team and wandered aimlessly, joining a religious sect. He returned to Special Ops Team 1 just before the Battle of Endor, but opted to fly in Rogue Squadron instead of follow many of the other members of the team onto the surface. He has stayed with Rogue Squadron since, but may someday rejoin Special Ops Team 1.

Ramierez Starr

A pirate and a rogue forever, Ramirez, like Kane, has been a member of the team since the beginning. Together with many of the other members, he helped build Special Ops Team 1, and is a great part of its legacy. Though he was killed raiding an Imperial Corvette in the Minos Cluster, he was rescued by the time travelling race, and, along with Merrick, Shadowlord, Dean, and Chitonakk, has become a living legend. Currently, Ramirez is helping Vince to build his new Blue Nova Casino.


The team's opportunist and gambler, and always a good shot, Merrick has long been an important member of Special Ops Team 1. After he was killed by the Storm Commandos during what is commonly called the Massacre, in which nearly all of Special Ops Team 1, then called Bad Company, was wiped out, he was brought back by the time travelers, along with many other long-dead team members. He participated in many of the team's most famous battles, and is now forming a new Special Ops team, the Hands of Fate.


Shadowlord is the brawn of the team, whether using his malicious claws and strength, or his equally intimidating light repeat. A longtime member, he has been one of Special Ops Team 1's most colorful personalities. The first to be retrieved by the time travelers, Shadowlord is a formidable opponent to the Empire, and his very name strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. Though his whereabouts at this time are unknown, he probably intends to remain with Special Ops Team 1 for the time being.

Cyruss Remmington

Although he has been with Special Ops Team 1 quite a while now, he is still one of the newest members of the team. In all the Rebellion, Cyruss' skill with a railgun is unmatched, and his bounty hunter's license and skills have gotten the team out of quite a few bad situations. Wary and wise, Cyruss is a valuable member of the team, and, with a railgun in his hands, can do things many Rebels can only dream of. He has chosen to stay with Special Ops Team 1 and continue the team's legacy.


A mysterious bounty hunter, Ito generally comes and goes as he pleases, though his hand never strays far from his blaster. Known for his manic style and his crazy, suicidal bravery, Ito has certainly made his mark on the Rebellion, and the galaxy itself, with his own style of warfare. A tough, businesslike, and utterly mad person, Ito is one of the most memorable members of Special Ops Team 1, and probably one of the most insane as well. He, also, has opted to remain a part of the team.

Scott Hammer

A new arrival to the team, he has nevertheless seen his share of adventure. A racing pilot with several wins under his belt, his speeder piloting skills are top-notch, and his quick reflexes have aided him well during his tenure with Special Ops Team 1. After the Battle of Endor, however, he decided to return to the professional speeder racing circuit.

Ethan Cilian

Tough as nails, and armed to the teeth, Ethan is a cybernetically enhanced killing machine, employed by his own family, the Cilian crime family. With his two blaster pistols smoking, he is an imtimidating sight on the battlefield, especially when backed by his relatives, members of a vicious crime syndicate. After marrying Daisy, his longtime girlfriend, Ethan brought her to team's home ship, and has remained with Special Ops Team 1.

Vince Vega

Ethan's wise-cracking cousin, Vince was the getaway driver for The Big Hit, the small breakaway team which consisted only of members of the Cilian family. His skills proved invaluable to the team on many occasions, though his sarcastic wit did not always have a pleasing effect. He has now gone to the Minos Cluster to start a casino, the Blue Nova, which will be funded by his family.


Moving with the shadows, Ni'kua, a member of a strange and shady race, has often come to the team's aid. He is skilled with a blaster, but his true talents lie in martial arts, which he exhibits with true speed. A shadowy figure who goes out of his way to aid the team in their troubles, Ni'kua is one of the most mysterious, and formidable, members of Special Ops Team 1. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Elyna Dafoe

A former associate of Kane, Elyna was one of the few members of Bad Company who went to the Interrogator to rescue Kane. An ace slicer and computer specialist, she calls herself a cyberthief and specializes in stealing important data. A free-willed individual, she has joined Merrick's Special Ops team for now, but does not know what the future may bring.


One of the Verpine geniuses who advanced the Rebels' technology beyond even their dreams, Chitonakk was the team's faithful tech for many years, until he was killed in Draklor's castle. He was brought back many years later when the time travelers were retrieving lost members of the team, but he refrained from active duty, staying on a Nebulon and becoming Chief of Engineering. He is now the personal tech for Scott Hammer's racing speeder.

By Anthony Frevele

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