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NAME: Atlas Fereck
PLAYER: Michael
RANK: Lieutenant j.g.?
TYPE: Starfighter Pilot
RACE: Near-Human
AGE: ? HEIGHT: ? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Slicked-back and cool, with silver hair kept in a ponytail.
PERSONALITY PROFILE: A hotshot pilot; brash but skilled.
BRIEF HISTORY: Atlas joined SOT1 after the untimely demise of Darion. Atlas was a crack fighter pilot on his home planet, gaining the title "Atlas" (his real name is unknown), but he was forced to leave his planet due to unforseen difficulties. He threw his lot in with SOT1, and became one of the team's pilots, as well as holding his own with a blaster. Atlas broke his leg climbing a mountain during a tough mission on a jungle planet, and was killed by natives when the team was forced to leave him behind.
PERSONAL DATA: Top fighter pilot; had silver hair; killed by natives.


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