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NAME: Chitonakk
PLAYER: Nathan W.
RANK: Ensign?
TYPE: Technician
RACE: Verpine
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: ? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: A bipedal, insectoid creature, very thin, with two antennae on his head with which he can communicate with other Verpine telepathically
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Very calm and collected; not easily exciteable
BRIEF HISTORY: Chitonakk became the tech of the Starflame during the team's stint as freelancers in the Minos Cluster. He continued to be the team's tech as they rejoined the Rebellion. He was killed in a duel to the death by an evil creature in Draklor's castle, but was brought back by the time-travelling race before the Battle of Endor. He is now serving as Chief Technician on a Mon Calamari cruiser.
PERSONAL DATA: Chitonakk was the tech of the Starflame, and, without him, the team would never have lived through quite a few starship battles.

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