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NAME: Darion Wolfe
PLAYER: Michael
RANK: Lieutenant j.g.?
TYPE: Starfighter Pilot
RACE: Near-human
DESCRIPTION: Slicked back, very cool and collect, a good pilot
PERSONALITY PROFILE: A very calm pilot; capable of fighting TIEs or Stormtroopers without fear
BRIEF HISTORY: Darion became a member of SOT1 after Blades' untimely death. He participated in many epic adventures of S0T1, the most prominent being when he flew a two-seater Y-Wing (with Kane as gunner) during the Battle of Yavin. He was killed during an attempt to rescue Blade Runner, when a downed TIE Fighter crashed into already-sinking crashed starship the team was trying to get Blade Runner out of, and it sank before he could escape.
PERSONAL DATA: Flew a 2-seater Y-Wing at Yavin (Kane was the gunner); his wingman was Jamisson; Y-Wing callsign was "Primetime"


Darion taking out a TIE Bomber in his Y-Wing, "Death Incarnate."

Some of the animations at this site are by Bill Smith of the Blockade Runner Home Page

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