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NAME: Dean Malenko
PLAYER: Brian W.
RANK: Indeterminate
TYPE: Secret Agent
RACE: Human
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: 6'? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Snappy dresser, good with a blaster
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Cool and calm, quick-witted
BRIEF HISTORY: Dean became a part of SOT1 shortly before the Cauldrus incident. He became a great help to the team due to his abilities with a blaster and his ability to sneak into places heavily-armed people couldn't go. He was killed by a bounty hunter after the entire team, but his death gave the rest of the team enough time to escape. He was later brought back by the time-travelling race, but was killed a second time by High Inquisitor Tremayne when he sneaked aboard Tremayne's shuttle at the Battle of Endor.
PERSONAL DATA: Dean is the only character in SOT1 to have died twice; Dean came closest of anyone in the team to killing High Inquisitor Tremayne (other than Kane, who actually killed him).


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