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NAME: Dianna Madine
RANK: Commander?
RACE: Human
AFFILIATION: Rebellion/New Republic
CONNECTION WITH SOT1: Originally a superior, later wife of Cyruss

- Dianna originally worked with SOT1 once or twice as a superior officer. Later, she began dating Cyruss. When she was given a promotion to Head of Intelligence on the Mon Cal cruiser Liberty shortly before the Battle of Endor, Cyruss proposed to her. She accepted, but insisted on taking the offered position on the Liberty. Shortly before the battle, Kane told Cyruss that his Jedi senses were warning him not to let Dianna go on the Liberty. Prompted by this advice, during the battle, in which Cyruss was flying an A-Wing starfighter, he suddenly decided that he should get Dianna off the Liberty right away. Entering the Liberty's docking bay, he ran to the Intelligence center, grabbed Dianna, and performed a daring last-minute rescue, escaping in his A-Wing with Dianna just seconds before the Liberty was destroyed by a blast from the Second Death Star.
After the battle, Cyruss and Dianna were married, and Cyruss was given command of a Nebulon-B Frigate, with Dianna as his Chief of Intelligence. The two lived like this for a year or two, until Dianna was tragically murdered while on an away mission with the team.


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