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NAME: Draklor
RACE: Unknown (Force-Vampire)
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: 7'? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Tall, dark and frighteningly powerful. Truly a nightmare come to life.
AIMS (IF APPLICABLE): To turn Kane into a Force-vampire like himself; to avenge himself against Kane and SOT1.

- Special Ops Team 1 first encountered Draklor when they made planetfall on a backwater planet with a medieval technology level so that Chitonakk could make repairs to the Starflame. Draklor, the onwer of the castle near their landing site, offered them his hospitality during their stay -- but little did they know that he had sensed Kane's budding Force powers and was hoping to make a new convert to his vampirical race. During the night, the rest of the team was distracted by Draklor's various nightmarish henchmen (events which cumulated in the deaths of Chitonakk and a rookie), while Draklor besought Kane and tried to force him to join his vile ranks. While the rest of the team fought off Draklor's henchmen with what weapons they had, Kane fought Draklor mano a mano until dawn, when he managed to drive him into the sunlight. In a final effort, Draklor turned himself into a flight of bats, but all but one disentigrated as the sun hit them... the last flew off into the distance. After Merrick and Kane had a treasure-hunting adventure in the now-empty castle, the team found the Starflame and, mourning the deaths of their comrades, left the planet.

- They encountered Draklor again when the team, along with an exciteable historian, were drawn to a mysterious planet by a strange book they had found. They found the planet barren, except for an enormous castle in the distance. While Shakhan and Kane went to check out the castle, the rest of the team was suddenly beset by hordes of skeletons which rose from the ground and thoroughly trashed Stealth I, to Merrick's horror. Inside the castle, Shakhan and Kane found themselves face to face with the evil Draklor, who was now out to avenge himself on Kane (and possibly gain two new converts, if he could overpower both of them). A bloody battle ensued in which Kane very nearly died, but was saved by Shakhan. Just when things began to look grim, the rest of them team fought their way through the skeletons back to the Starflame, and blew up the upper portion of the castle with the ship's missles, burying Draklor under a thousand tons of rubble and (hopefully) destroying him for good.


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