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NAME: Dreygos
PLAYER: Michael
RANK: Unknown
TYPE: Gunslinger/Witch Hunter
AGE: ? HEIGHT: ? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Tall and dark-haired. Very tough-looking.
PERSONALITY PROFILE: One tough hombre. Dreygos hates Force-users and is much more fond of firearms than blasters.
BRIEF HISTORY: Dreygos grew up on a planet where use of the Force was forbidden -- Force-users were called "witches," and the occupation of Witch-Hunter was one of the most widely respected ones on the planet -- an occupation which Dreygos decided to fill. Unfortuantely, because of an incident of political infighting, Witch-Hunters were banned on the planet and hunted down like they once hunted down Force-users (another example of life's sense of irony). Dreygos had to run for his life, and escaped the planet just in time. He wound up with Special Ops Team 1, and became an invaluable asset to the team, with his tough demeanor and his superior skill with firearms. Though he never took much of a liking to Kane (for obvious reasons), Dreygos was well-liked by the rest of the team. He perished during the Massacre along with Merrick and Gatsby, but he was rescued by the time-travelling race when they went to the scene of the Massacre to rescue members of SOT1.
PERSONAL DATA: Dreygos, like all Witch-Hunters from his planet, prefers firearms to blasters. He has two pistols, named Smith and Wesson. He was killed by the Storm Commandos at the Massacre, but rescued by the Time-Travelling race.

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