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You begin poking around the half-empty lockers, looking at the team's equipment.

In one locker, you find a variety of weapons: Cyruss' railgun, various Trenton Sector blaster pistols gathered from the many members of the team who hail from that sector of the galaxy, a wide assortment of blasters, grenades, and knives.
In another, you see some rope, a couple of grappling-hook launchers, and a large guitar case, inside which you find Kane's blaster rifle, dissassembled.
One locker has the door ripped off completely, and a small sign at the top has printed on it in small letters: "Wall of Fame." Inside the locker are an assortment of various objects. A small model of a Y-Wing made of pewter catches your eye, with a plaque below it bearing the name JAMISSON. Below it, on the bottom of the locker, is a vibro-knife with the name TOM carved into the handle. An enormous book sits next to it, its title, LEGENDS OF THE JEDI, printed in plain text on the dusty cover. On the wall of the locker is are a number of pictures, with names below them, which are very familiar to you: RACE SMITH, JESSICA SMITH, BLADES STARR, KAIYAN, DARION WOLFE, ATLAS FERECK, PANIC, ARIKA, and SHAKHAN KRILLOUSTAN are just a few. Listed on this wall, you realize, is the name of every member of Special Ops Team 1 who has died over the years. There are several empty spaces, where Merrick, Shadowlord, Ramierez, and Chitonakk used to be, but the one labelled DEAN MALENKO was obviously taken down once and then replaced. Saddened, you step away from the locker and look elsewhere.

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