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NAME: Ethan Cilian
PLAYER: Bryan M.
RANK: Ensign?
TYPE: Gunslinger?
RACE: Human
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: 6'? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Tall, cybornetically enhanced, armed to the teeth
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Dedicated member of Cilian crime family; hates the Empire
BRIEF HISTORY: Ethan, along with his cousin, Vince Vega, joined SOT1 just after the Massacre, when it had just reverted back to the name Special Ops Team 1 from Bad Company, most of the members of which were killed in the Massacre. Ethan followed the team on several adventures, and, along with a few others from the team, went after his uncle, the traitor Leroy Cilian. He was on the ground force to Endor along with many of the other members of SOT1, and, after the battle, went home to marry his girlfriend Daisy and help Vince start the Blue Nova Casino.
PERSONAL DATA: Has a girlfriend (now wife) named Daisy; enlisted the aid of Kane, and Riggins in stopping his uncle, Leroy Cilian, a traitor to the Cilian family; is the only member of his extensive crime family who does not smoke cigars

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