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NAME: "The Great" Gatsby
PLAYER: Anthony
TYPE: Gunslinger
RACE: Near-Human
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: 6'1 WEIGHT: 221
DESCRIPTION: Tall and thin, wears fancy pinstriped suits and matching fedoras
PERSONALITY PROFILE: A loner; keeps to himself, but is dedicated to anyone lucky enough to call him friend
BRIEF HISTORY: Gatsby joined up with Special Ops Team 1, at the time called Bad Company, just before the ill-fated mission now known as the Massacre. He joined the team really for his own interests, but found himself willing to aid these Rebel operatives, even at the cost of his own life. Gatsby was present during the attack of a troop of StormCommandos, what is now called the Massacre, in which nearly all of Bad Company was killed (although several of the casualties were later brought back by the Time Travelers). Gatsby was killed taking down the last of the StormCommandos.
PERSONAL DATA: Gatsby was a mysterious gunslinger who hung around with Bad Company a few days before the Massacre, then promptly died without ever telling the team why he was helping them.


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