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NAME: Bail Kane
PLAYER: Anthony
RANK: Commander
TYPE: Brash Pilot/Minor Jedi
RACE: Human
AGE: 29 SEX: M HEIGHT: 6'0 WEIGHT: 216
DESCRIPTION: Tall, dark-haired, black eyes
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Cheerful & optimistic, but saddened and jaded by many years of fighting and many friends lost. Dedicated to his friends and comrades, and to the New Republic.
BRIEF HISTORY: Kane was born on the world of Tiliar, which was decimated by the Imperials when he was twenty as a warning for other planets in the sector which were sympathetic to the Rebellion. He escaped and joined the Rebellion, where he became the co-pilot and gunner on the YT-1300 freighter Solar Wind, piloted by Mack Williams. After the Solar Wind was destroyed and Mack left the crew, Kane became the pilot of the Starflame and served as the pilot for Special Ops Team 1. He continued with Special Ops Team 1, eventually becoming their commander, until shortly before the Battle of Endor, when he joined Rogue Squadron. After the battle, when SOT1 disbanded, Kane remained with Rogue Squadron. During his travels with SOT1, Kane learned that he is Force-sensitive and was under the tutilaige of minor Jedi Shakhan Krilloustan until the Jedi's death at the hands of High Inquisitor Tremayne, whom Kane defeated at Endor.
PERSONAL DATA: Kane was the co-pilot of the Solar Wind, and the pilot of the Starflame and the Iron Phoenix. His callsign in Rogue Squadron is Rogue 3. He was one of the only six pilots to survive the Battle of Yavin, and was the gunner in a two-seater Y-Wing (piloted by Darion Wolfe) in the trench of the first Death Star. His X-Wing callsign is "Bailout."

X-Wing footage of Kane in action.

Some of the animations at this site are by Bill Smith of the Blockade Runner Home Page

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