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NAME: Daviar Knash
RANK: Unknown
RACE: Near-Human
AGE: Unknown HEIGHT: Unknown WEIGHT: Unknown
AFFILIATION: Himself, Rebellion
CONNECTION WITH SOT1: Former enemy, later ally

- SOT1 first encountered Daviar Knash as a prisoner whom they attempted to transport to the Gesaril prison facility. After a failed escape attempt which wounded Panic and nearly killed Kane, Knash was delivered.
- The team encountered him again, during a Rebel raid of the prison facility, in which Panic was killed. Kane found him in his cell, and, still vengeful after his near-death experience at Knash's hands the last time they had met, shot him. Knash survived, however, and eventually helped the team take over the prison facility, escaping during the final chaos.
- The final time the team encountered Knash, he was a Rebel operative. SOT1 discovered that the Empire had been experimenting with a deadly new type of assassin droid, the Death-Run 9000, which could take on the appearance of a real person in order to track down and destroy its quarry. The prototype DR9000 was designed to look exactly like Daviar Knash -- and was sent after SOT1. SOT1 rescued the real Knash, then set out to destroy the DR9000, with his help. They eventually managed to put an end to the machine, although Knash lost his life in the effort. His final wish was for SOT1 to organize a new Special Ops team in his honor.


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