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NAME: Mack Williams
RANK: Lieutenant j.g.?
TYPE: Smuggler
RACE: Human
AGE: 23? HEIGHT: ? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Tall, wears smuggler clothing.
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Dedicated to his friends, cocky, proud of his ship
BRIEF HISTORY: One of the original members of SOT1, he founded the team with Kane, before it was ever called Special Ops Team 1. For the first few years of the team's existence, he was the pilot, flying the Solar Wind pas the Imperials' noses more times than can be counted. Together with Race, his closest friend, he fought off pirates, shot down innumerable TIEs, and managed to pull the team out of one bad situation after another. He disappeared about a year after the destruction of the Solar Wind, leaving Kane to serve as the team's pilot.
PERSONAL DATA: Best friend of Race; exceptional pilot; owner of the Solar Wind.


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