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NAME: Merrick
PLAYER: Bryan M.
RANK: Commander
TYPE: Gambler
RACE: Human
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: 6'? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Slick and well-dressed, always wears fancy clothing and carries at least two blasters
PERSONALITY PROFILE: A gambler; loves playing the odds, quick with a blaster or a quip, can't resist a game of chance (especially sabaac)
BRIEF HISTORY: Merrick joined SOT1 in the Corporate Sector, shortly after they gained the name. His skill with a blaster has aided them in many of their missions since they first met him, helping him to find a lost treasure (which turned out to be a book of Jedi lore). He was killed during what is commonly referred to as the Massacre, in which a team of Imperial Storm Commandos (under the command of High Inquisitor Tremayne) trapped and wiped out most of what was then called Bad Company, except for the lone survivor, Riggins, and four members (Kane, Cyruss Remmington, Ni'kua and Elyna Dafoe) who were not on the planet at the time. He was later brought back along with several others by the time-travelling race.
PERSONAL DATA: Merrick is the team's resident gambler, and is always challenging other members of the team to games of sabaac (which they are smart enough to refuse); he is very skilled at gambling and has often won enough money to get the team out of a rut. Merrick is a womanizer, but is not quite as successful as Ramierez; he also likes expensive cars, and bought Stealth I, the ill-fated airspeeder which was trashed during Draklor's second attack on the team and, after being rebuilt, was blown up by a bomb planted by the Storm Commandos shortly before the Massacre (with Kane inside). Merrick flew an X-Wing at Cauldrus, and has been the team's co-pilot (and pilot, while Kane was gone) for several years. He looks exactly like Clint Bajakkian, a dangerous and highly wanted assassin whom the team brought in (at the expense of Shadowlord).

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