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NAME: Nik'ua
RANK: Unknown
TYPE: Assassin
RACE: Nazgul
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: 6'? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: A dark, shadowy creature whose race originated on a planet with intense sun; wears a full suit of black cloth to hide the fact that his body appears to be a shadow
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Calm and collective; quick and agile, not opposed to casual killing
BRIEF HISTORY: Nik'ua joined the team after Shadowlord's demise. He quickly gained popularity for his immense marital arts skills and his businesslike way of fighting. Nik'ua was one of the three members of the team who went up to Tremayne's Star Destroyer to save Kane, and was on the ground at Endor. His current whereabouts are unknown.
PERSONAL DATA: Accomplishments: killing a Xenomorph with martial arts; using a blaster during a dark raid on the house of an Imperial general; helping to save Kane from Tremayne; generally kicking a lot of butt

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