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NAME: Panic
PLAYER: Bryan M.
RANK: Basic?
TYPE: Minor Jedi
RACE: Human
DESCRIPTION: Wears Jedi robes, tall and dark haired
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Sort of off-balance for a Jedi; otherwise cheerful; a bit panicky
BRIEF HISTORY: Panic joined SOT1 shortly after the death of Jessica. He was one of the Jedi who managed to turn Shakhan Krilloustan to the light side, and was his pupil for a while. Panic was used as a hostage during Daviar Knash's attempt to escape from the Starflame, when Knash was being transported to the prison colony of Gesaril. Panic died on Gesaril, trying to free the colony of Imperial rule.
PERSONAL DATA: Panic claimed that his name was Panic "because I never do"; Panic allowed a group of rebel commandos to launch Stormtroopers out of the airlocks of an overtaken Imperial corvette, which jeopardized his hold on the light side of the Force; Panic was killed by a grenade; he disappeared after he died


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