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NAME: Race Smith
PLAYER: Bryan M.
RANK: Ensign?
TYPE: Stunt Fighter Pilot
RACE: Human
AGE: 23 SEX: M HEIGHT: 7'? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: Very tall, lanky, good pilot.
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Happy-go-lucky, brash, good shot with a blaster
BRIEF HISTORY: Race was one of the original members of SOT1, back when it was known only as the crew of the Solar Wind. He was a starfighter pilot for the Rebellion, but was also good with a blaster. He faced many adventures along with the crew, fighting pirates with Mack and attacking an Imperial base with Kane, Mack, Ramierez and Paladin. He was killed on Tatooine by an assassin droid sent after Mack by Jabba the Hutt.
PERSONAL DATA: Flew with Tom; fought pirates with Mack; had a sister, Jessica, also deceased; killed by a droid sent to kill Mack; first member of SOT1 to die


Footage of Race piloting an X-Wing.

Some of the animations at this site are by Bill Smith of the Blockade Runner Home Page

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