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NAME: Shadowance
RANK: Admiral
RACE: Human
AGE: Unknown SEX: M HEIGHT: ? WEIGHT: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: None on file
AIMS (IF APPLICABLE): To serve the Empire, bring SOT1 to justice, and avenge the death of his daughter.

- Admiral Shadowance has been a burr in the side of SOT1 ever since his daughter was accidentally killed while in the company of the team, by Stormtroopers who were trying to kill SOT1. Shadowance put a high bounty out on the heads of all of the known members of SOT1. His Stormtroopers captured Cyruss on an unrelated charge, not knowing he was a member of SOT1, and Shadowance questioned him thoroughly. While Cyruss played innocent, Shadowance's suspicions grew, and he began to blame Cyruss personally for his daughter's death. He began chasing SOT1, and especially Cyruss, with a vengance, causing many close calls and much trouble for the team.

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