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NAME: Shadowlord
RANK: Indeterminate
TYPE: Bounty Hunter
RACE: Wolfen
AGE: 61 (In dog years) SEX: M HEIGHT: 7' WEIGHT: 400
DESCRIPTION: An enormous, hairy, bipedal wolf-like creature
PERSONALITY PROFILE: Homicidal and intimidating; prone to casual brutal killing (and bragging about it afterward)
BRIEF HISTORY: Shadowlord joined SOT1 after Kaiyan's death, and became one of the landmarks of the team. Shadowlord's intimidating or murderous antics have often resulted in amusement for the rest of the team (as long as it was Stormtroopers he was trying to kill), and he has served the team faithfully over the years, acting as a supplier of incredible brawn and firepower, until he died by intentionally crashing the Starflame in order to kill Clint Bajakkian, the notorious (and highly wanted) assassin whom Merrick resembled. He was later brought back by the time-travelling race.
PERSONAL DATA: Possibly the most put-upon member of the team (a title challenged only by Kane); a brutal and violent killer. Shadowlord was once challenged by Kane (shortly after Kane discovered his Force-sensitivity) on Cauldrus to stop him from killing a Stormtrooper the team had captured. Though Shadowlord won the fight, he forgot about the Stormtrooper, making Kane the victor. Often referred to as "The Sponge."

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