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NAME: Shakhan Krilloustan
RANK: Unknown
TYPE: Minor Jedi
RACE: Human
DESCRIPTION: Dark-looking, carried a red lightsaber
PERSONALITY PROFILE: A leader type; very dedicated to the Jedi Code, but also very independent and forceful
BRIEF HISTORY: Before joining SOT1, Shakhan was actually a dark Jedi who fought against SOT1. He was turned to the light side by Kaiyan and Panic, however, and became their teacher. After they died, he taught Arika for a while, until she as well died and Kane began showing signs of Force-sensitivity. He then taught Kane for quite a while, but left the group suddenly. He returned some time later, and was later killed in a duel by High Inquisitor Tremayne.
PERSONAL DATA: Formerly a dark Jedi; uses a red lightsaber (which was given to Kane after his death); fought with the group for a long time; taught several of the members of SOT1; was killed by Tremayne


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