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You begin examining all the ships and vehicles listed on the team's roster.

The Solar Wind

The team's first ship, this was owned by Mack Williams, although he owed Jabba the Hutt a large sum of money for it. The Solar Wind carried the team through many adventures, but was destroyed by a mysterious vessel in the Minos Cluster. The team barely managed to escape in an escape pod, and Ramierez had to sell his newly-acquired bounty hunter armor in order to buy the Starflame.
TYPE: YT-1300 stock light freighter

The Starflame

This ship was the second to be used by SOT1, and it lasted by far the longest. They used it throughout their travels in Minos Cluster and the Corporate Sector. It became their token ship, the one which truly seemed like home to them. The Starflame was destroyed by Shadowlord, who, mortally wounded at the time, was trying to take the rogue Clint Bajakkian along with him.
TYPE: SR-1100 Evader light freighter

The Iron Phoenix

SOT1's third ship, the Phoenix was a one-of-a-kind -- designed by the Verpines, it utilized a special kind of technology, found also in the Alliance's B-Wing starfighters, which enabled the ship to revolve around the cockpit. The team obtained the ship brand new from the Verpines, and it was in fact a prototype model which they had recently built. The ship served the team for several years, before being destroyed via radio control when it was taken over by Stormtroopers.
TYPE: Verpine Prototype Light Freighter

The Iron Phoenix.

The Sonja

The Sonja was a Ghtroc Freighter which the team took over from a group of bounty hunters, and kept for a short time. Eventually, it was taken for Alliance use.
TYPE: Ghtroc Systems Light Freighter

The Apocalypse

This was an airspeeder which belonged to Shakhan. It was heavily armed and heavily armored, and aided the team on many a mission.
TYPE: Airspeeder

Force I

Arika purchased Force I while on a resort planet with the team, and cherished it until its untimely destruction at the hands of Shadowlord. Cherry red and costing a pretty penny, Force I was the top-of-the-line, fastest ever, most incredible speeder ever owned by the team -- at least, until Stealth I came along. It crashed after being stolen, when Shadowlord, who, along with Mack, was in the Apocalypse trying to stop the thief, shot the thief who was flying it.
TYPE: Extremely fast and expensive airspeeder

Stealth I

Merrick's pride and joy, Stealth I was a newer, sleeker, jet-black model of the same type of airspeeder which Force I had been. He babied it, allowed no one to drive it but himself (rather reminiscent of Mack with the Solar Wind), and rubbed it lightly with a diaper. Unfortunately, it was horribly wrecked when Draklor called an army of skeletons to attack the team during their second confrontation with him. Eventually, however, Merrick was able to have it repaired, only to have it destroyed by the Imperial car bomb which nearly killed Kane, allowing High Inquisitor Tremayne to get ahold of him. Merrick had little time to mourn, as he was subsequently killed in the Massacre. (Now that he has been returned by the Time Travellers, however, he may someday attempt to buy a new airspeeder.)
TYPE: Even more expensive and faster airspeeder

Some of the animations at this site are by Bill Smith of the Blockade Runner Home Page

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