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The Crow Demon

Character Type: Unknown
Race: Crow-Demon
Weapon of Choice: Flaming Sword

The Crow Demon was one of the first villains we faced, and it truly gave the Heroes a challenge to be remembered. It began during the quest to find the Monks' stolen sword and return it to their monastery, when several of the Heroes began to have terrifying dreams of a crow pecking at their slain bodies. The dreams continued, growing more gruesome and frightening each time, and, by the time the Heroes had tracked the sword down to a small cave in the mountains, we realized what was behind them. Inside the cave, we saw the crow which had haunted our dreams transform into a powerful and terrifying demon, whom we were forced to fight in order to regain the sword. The Heroes were victorious, however, and the demon was slain, though Charystra was sorely wounded in the fight and only the healing skills of the Monks were able to save her.

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