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NAME: Rachel Vandrid
TYPE: Chosen One of the Valar
Rachel is perhaps one of the most significant individuals to be mentioned in the Fourth Age of Middle Earth. Though at the time of the quest a little girl only seven years of age, Rachel, daughter of Gwyneth and Vincent, is the Chosen One of the Valar. It is she who has been chosen to wield the Gift of the Valar in what is believed to be the last great war against evil. She is the human champion of the Valar. She is a girl of great power--a power that has only begun to reveal itself (at the age of seven, and with no education she can yet already speak Quenya). It is her whom the fate of Middle Earth shall eventually rest upon--if she ever lives to wield the Gift of the Valar. She was weakened by Lucifer who crept into her bedroom each night to drink her blood and drain her of her strength.

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