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Baalek Songheart

Player: Anthony
Character Type: Bard
Race: Rural Man
Weapon of Choice: The sword Malikai, a gift of Mordikye

Yes, I myself am counted among the Heroes of the Broken Oar, and it was I who, due to my bardic skills of song and storytelling, was chosen to tell you of these Heroes. Well, perhaps I volunteered, but it amounts to the same thing. I am, as you know, a bard of the harp (and, recently, the lute); but I am a warrior as well, and, while my skill does not equal those of my fellow Heroes, I am still a formidable enemy.

The other Heroes make light of my harping, teasing me with jokes both verbal and practical, but I know that, deep down inside, they appreciate the extra effort I go to to keep their moods bright as we ride through a darkened forest filled with haunting crows, or a frightful cavern which leads to places better left untold. I am but a simple bard, trying to tell the tale of a group of brave adventurers who make the world a little safer for decent folk.

