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Player: Nathanael B.
Character Type: Warrior
Race: Dwarf
Weapon of Choice: Axe

Thain was a mighty warrior in his time, a dwarf of infinite wisdom and strength. He was a good friend to all of us (even to the elves, though they don't admit it), and taught us much of what it is to be human. Or, in his case, dwarf. We remember him as he was, not as he died, although he could have been saved had we not been on a ship in the middle of the arctic sea on our way to an adventure which would take us over a month to complete in the middle of nowhere.

It helped to soften the blow, however, that we were able to see him one last time some months later, in the Dreamworld. Thain was a warrior among the best of them, and he is remembered with honor and not a little bit of friendship. He rests alone, in a small, hollowed-out grave ringed with stones on a lonely mountainside in the high arctic, with a lovely view of the sea. I would like to take this time to play a bit of my composition from the funeral, the "Ballad of Thain," but I'm afraid I have no room, so I will have to put it somewhere else.