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NAME: Dracon Deserene
CLASS: Druid/Rogue
LEVEL: 14 (13/1)
GENDER: M SPECIES: Half-Dragon (Gold)
AGE: 20 HEIGHT: 6'2 WEIGHT: 220
HAIR: None EYES: Snake-slit ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
DESCRIPTION: His size and physical prowess hide his high intellect and gentle nature
PERSONALITY: Very intelligent, usually thinks things through before doing them (though he has been known to rush into things); likes martinis
BACKGROUND: Born the son of a Gold Dragon father and an elf mother, he was raised by his mother, but when he came of age, was sent to live on Galador with his father. His father died shortly afterward, but his father's relatives took him in and gave him a job with the RMS, utilizing his scientific abilites in the anti-terrorism division.
OBJECTIVES: To thwart the threat of terrorist activites against House Deserene and the Quesmet kingdom, especially from the ISPD and the Asamet Houses
PERSONAL DATA: Has degrees from the University of Galeron in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Crime Scene Investigation; works for the Royal Marshal Service, in the antiterrorist division, as a chemical weapons specialist.

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