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In Memory...

Alec Stansbury
January 21, 1969 - May 1, 1994

Alec passed away as the result of an accident. Please send me your favorite memories of Alec and I will post them here.

Remembrances of Alec:

Alec was a dear friend of mine from the time he came to BCH in 10th grade. I remember we would drive around in his Chrysler Cordova or his Mom's convertible and later in his Ford Pickup. Only thing we had to worry about was gas money or money to go to McDonalds or Short Stop on Phelan.

Also, I remember riding three-wheelers and having this old man sick his dogs after us for being on his land. Or swimming out in a pond out close to his house and not having a care in the world.

And Alec loved buying new cars...

I remember how much Alec loved his wife, Tammy. And she really loved him, too. I mean Alec could be a real "pain in the butt", but Tammy kept him in line and he knew that.

I also remember how much it hurt to lose him. I still miss him--probably always will. But I try to think about it this way, at least God gave me the privilege to have him as a friend for as long as He did. - Randy Frazier

My fondest memory is of him being such a motivator. He encouraged those who others passed over. He truly lived every minute of his life to the fullest. Nothing every discouraged him or made him doubt himself. I hope that one day I can live my life the way he lived his. - Tammy Stansbury

Alec was our "HERO." Loved by all. XOXO Jennifer

Alec was a very special friend to me. I nicknamed him "HERO" because he carried me piggy back when I got shin splints at a basketball tournament in Abilene. We always called each other "HERO". Alec always thought of others before himself. My favorite memory of Alec is when he and Steve Reese were trying to perform a dramatic interpretation for Mrs. Rao from "Of Mice and Men". Steve was trying to be serious and Alec had us all in fits of laughter as he imitated Lenny.

I love you Alec! You'll always be my HERO!

Tammy Chilton-Hickman
