Andrea (Finley) Nelson

Class Year 1989 (West Brook)
I live in... Grapevine, TX
Marital Status Married
Name of Spouse Lance Nelson
Date of Wedding June 26, 1999
Children None yet...
After High School, I... Went to College
College Lamar University
Degree Interdisciplinary- Education (Dec. 1994)
Occupation 4th-grade teacher

After graduating from Lamar, I picked up and moved to Lubbock Tx, after being persuaded by my younger sister Angela!! It was a wonderful experience to say the least. I taught 6th Grade Science for 2&1/2 years. And somewhere along the way I met my husband Lance! After accepting his marriage proposal,in my very own classroom, the wedding date we set! We will celebrate our 1st anniversary this June! We currently live in Grapevine,TX (this is 19 miles from Ft.Worth.) No kids yet, but we sure are practicing..ahah! Let us know how you are doing! Andrea :)

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