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Belinda Graves

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. I've caught up with some of you over the years, and must say, I'm really proud of all my "kids"! Sorry that I wasn't able to make it to the last reunion, but I wasn't feeling very well at the time.

This is my third year at Kelly High School, and I love it! I always said that BCS would be my home until God chose another place for me. Well, He did, and it's truly been a blessing! That feeling of "family" that us "old timers" had at BCS is very much the same at Kelly. Everyone (students and staff) have really become an extended family for me. And, yes, the kids still call me Gravy!

My Kelly family and my Corner Stone family have really been a blessing and a saving grace for me the last few years. God has chosen some difficult challenges for me and it has been through the precious prayers of these wonderful people that I've been able to face them.

My mother died, very suddenly, three years ago in April. In fact my Uncle Arthur found her on April 20 when he went to mow her grass. I remember, very vividly, we were watching the coverage of the shootings at Columbine when he called. The coroner said she had probably been there for at least 2 days. I'll be the first to tell you, don't skimp on the hugs and "I love you's", you never know when it could be your last opportunity. Now, I don't mean to sound all "poor pitiful me", but I had just seen her on her birthday (April 16) and my last words were "I love you". I literally never saw her again. I take great comfort in those last words and the fact that she went to meet God in such a peaceful way. So, never miss an opportunity to show you care!!!!

In December 1999 I got bronchitis and became very ill. A routine chest x-ray showed something in my chest. The doctors thought at first that it was an aneurysm and then decided it was lung cancer. After lots of tests and biopsies they determined it was Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I PROMISE, THIS DOES GET BETTER! I spent the next year taking chemotherapy and radiation, and being bald!!! God gave me the strength to continue working through the treatments, which really helped me not spend so much time feeling sorry for myself!

I completed my treatments in November last year and am currently going in for 3 month check ups. So far everything looks good! Praise God! I have to admit though, every time those check ups roll around, I get really nervous! With God's continued blessings and the prayers of so many wonderful people, I will continue to be cancer free.

I'm feeling good, and proud to say that I'm 50 now! After all it's better than the alternative! The last year proved that to me! Unfortunately, chemotherapy did not make me lose weight (RATS!), but when my hair came back, it came back almost completely minus the gray and extremely curly! I love it! It is completely wash and go!

I love you all! God bless you! Let me know how you are doing and keep me posted on news.

Much love,

Belinda "Gravy" Graves
1160 Chatwood
Beaumont, TX 77706
(409) 866-4666

Msgr. Kelly Catholic High School
5950 Kelly Drive
Beaumont, TX 77707
(409) 866-2351
(No email at home right now)
