Danny W. Kaspar

Class Year would have been '89
Email DKasparX2@msn.com
I live in... Beaumont
Marital Status Married
Name of Spouse Danielle Burrow Kaspar
Date of Wedding April 12, 1997
After High School, I... Joined the Military
Occupation Police Officer

"I left CSB in 1985. I only went my 9th grade year. I graduated from West Brook in 1989. I then went into the U.S. Navy and served during Desert Storm. After I was discharged, I went into Law Enforcement and cuurently work for Beaumont P.D. I married Danielle Burrow in 1997. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist and also works for a local engineering firm. We do not have any children yet, but are planning for some in the near future. GO BUSH!!!!"
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